Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Bean Sprout, better than a shot of Espresso

The Bean Sprout
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Due to all the extra ingredients being added to American food, many people are returning to natural foods as a way of improving their health.  This growing trend has caused a surge in the number of new Vegan and Eastern style restaurants and Cafes that promise better tasting and "better for you" food.  Some established restaurants have added vegan style items to their menus to attract this growing list of healthier eaters. Even fast food giants like McDonald's and Wendy's have added more veggies to the  fast food menu to gain entry into this emerging fast food sector. 

One of my favorite veggies is bean sprouts. Bean sprouts are an ingredient used often in Asian cuisine, made from beans by sprouting. The typical bean sprout is made from the greenish mung beans. I call them my "pick me up food," because they are so full of natural energy.  You don't see them on menus alone, however they are in vegan dishes and salads. I remember the day I discovered the high energy content they possessed by accident. I was making my usual veggie wrap and ran out of my green leafy veggies and the only thing I had left were bean sprouts, I don't remember what type of sprout.   I simply threw the bean sprouts into a wrap and seasoned them and took off to work with my healthy lunch, much cheaper than buying it at a Vegan restaurant.  After eating the bean sprout wrap I noticed how much energy I had. It was like I had a double shot of espresso from my favorite coffee shop, without any of the side effects.  It was an amazing feeling, so I called my vegan mentor, Cathy Dance and asked her the deal with bean sprouts. Cathy Dance is a certified vegan coach and raw food expert. She knew what was going on and began to explain that sprouts have one of the highest levels of energy a natural food can have and that's what I was feeling .

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